All Outdoor

Game Warden Pilots: Are They A Special Breed?
By V. Paul Reynolds Sooner or later, most career game wardens place themselves in harm’s way in the line of duty. The same can be said for game warden pilots who often are called upon to assist, from the air, in coordinated ground searches for missing persons. More often than not the weather is nasty, … Continued

Good Trail Grub: What’s A Backpacker To Do?
By V. Paul Reynolds Good trail grub. Thinking it and finding it are two different things. A late-in-life backpacker, I have yet to find a way to travel light and eat right. Macaroni and cheese, or beef jerky and granola bars can grow monotonous. Even those so-called high-end pre-packaged dehydrated meals leave me cold. You … Continued

Photographing Deer
“So, you want to take pix of the whitetails? Well, it’s not going to be that easy! Hi, my name is Buck and I’m a Montana “Dama virginianus”. I told the Jensen’s that I’d pass along a few tips so you’d have a better chance taking pix of my whitetail kin in Maine. By Bruce … Continued

Deer Management 101
By V. Paul Reynolds Interestingly, success rate for antlerless permit hunters is close to 30 percent. According to Gerry Lavigne, this higher success rate is due, in part, to the illegal practice of party hunting, and if hunters were to cease this illegal activity the state could double the number of antlerless permits they issue. … Continued

Tom Brown’s Wilderness School
On a gentle evening in February of 1988 in the lofts of Tom Brown’s old dairy farm in Ashbury N.J., a town located in the west central part of the state, I scurried around with fourteen other anxious students fluffing up hay. We were making comfortable places to lay our sleeping bags for the next … Continued

Some Reflections On Being A Maine Guide
As a boy and a young man, I was interested in the Maine woods and waters and I was intrigued by the term “Maine Guide.” To me, the term almost had a connotation as exciting as the “Royal Canadian Mounted Police.” My first real contact with a “real” Maine Guide was in June of 1941 … Continued