New England's Premier
Hunting, Fishing &
Outdoor Magazine

Bring Them Along, Carefully

By V. Paul Reynolds It was mid-November in the Big Deer Woods. A northeast wind was rocking the hemlock tops and pushing a cold, pelting rain that seemed to penetrate the slicker beneath my wool hunting shirt. The damp, raw day was in my pores. Noon or not, it was time to call it a … Continued

The Easy Buck

By V. Paul Reynolds On average the Reynolds family freezer winds up with some venison about every other year. The math has been surprisingly consistent over the past 50 years.  Having been skunked in 2015, this past fall was to be the year to get out the Food Saver and the meat grinder. But it … Continued

Getting the Moose Out

BY V. Paul Reynolds The biggest eye-opener for most first-time moose hunters is after the animal is down. This is when the real work begins. As we all know moose are large critters, very large, and getting a 1,000 lb. carcass out of a tangled clear cut to the nearest accessible road can be a … Continued

Hitting Those Grouse

A grouse – by any other name, pa’tridge, biddie, or thunder chicken – is no easy target. In fact, this game bird’s ability to escape and evade the best of wing shooters is legendary. Outdoor writer Jim Harrison writes about the grouse hunt: “Surely it is a dream world: the nearly thundering flush and the … Continued

The Ideal Deer Rifle

By Bob Noonan When I was in high school back in the 50s I was a big fan of outdoor writer Jack O’Connor. He said the .270 was the ultimate deer cartridge, and that was gospel to me. When I turned 16 Dad let me buy a used .270 Remington 721 bolt for $75. That … Continued

Deer Management 101

By V. Paul Reynolds Interestingly, success rate for antlerless permit hunters is close to 30 percent. According to Gerry Lavigne, this higher success rate is due, in part, to the illegal practice of party hunting, and if hunters were to cease this illegal activity the state could double the number of antlerless permits they issue. … Continued

Bowman’s First-Kill Delayed by Uninvited Moose On the Make

The bull immediately started walking in my direction. He didn’t stop until he was five feet from the base of the tree. He was so close I thought he was going to step on my bow. The alarm went off with its usual abruptness at 3:30 A.M. As I climbed from bed I wondered what … Continued

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